7 Funny Myths about Red Hair ...


7 Funny Myths about Red Hair ...
7 Funny Myths about Red Hair ...

My grandmother is a natural redhead. So is my daughter, which means our family has heard our share of myths about red hair. Some are funny, some are weird, some are plain insulting, but none of them are true. So whether you’re a ginger or just want to be more informed about them, keep reading. Here are 7 funny myths about red hair.

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1. They Turn into Vampires when They Die

The ancient Greeks used to believe this funny myth about red hair — that when a redhead died, they turned into a vampire! Where could this myth have started, and how ridiculous did people feel when it was busted?


It's certainly curious to ponder the origins of such a wild tale. Perhaps the stigma attached to red hair - often associated with witchcraft and otherworldliness in medieval times - laid the foundation for this spooky superstition. Imagine the bewilderment of the old believers witnessing the lack of fanged transformations at funerals. Surely, the idea of redheads returning from the grave with a thirst for blood has faded into the annals of folklore, but the vivid image it creates is a testament to the powerful imagination of our ancestors and their flair for dramatic storytelling.

2. They Were Conceived during Menstruation

This myth about red hair persists to this day, though it’s complete nonsense. There is not now, and never has been, any proof that this is true, but hateful, ignorant people still carry it forward. Maybe they’re just jealous.

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3. They’re Unlucky

Ancient Egyptians considered redheads to be so unlucky, they offered them in sacrifice, hoping to end the supposed bad-luck streak. Can you imagine being killed in a ritual, simply because your hair was an “unlucky” shade? On the other hand, though, Romans thought redheads might bring luck, so they were particularly desirable… when purchased as slaves.

4. They Have Fiery Tempers

Is this a myth about red hair, or could it be true? For centuries, redheads have been said to have fiery tempers, as well as lusty libidos. But I haven’t been able to find any research on this topic… maybe redheads have more fun than blondes… and maybe it’s not a good idea to cross them.

5. Bees Sting Redheads More Often

This myth about red hair may actually be true, though the science has yet to catch up with anecdotal evidence. Why bees would choose to sting redheads more often than blondes or brunettes is beyond me, but my grandmother, a natural redhead, swears it’s true. Another odd but possibly true fact? Redheads require more anesthetic. Could these two be somehow related?

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6. Redheads Have Stolen Hell-fire

Wow, harsh! During the Spanish Inquisition, redheads by the hundreds died because the Spaniards thought that redheads were witches who had stolen the fires of hell, and as such, had to be burnt at the stake.


This eye-popping belief sizzled during the torrid times of witch-hunting mania. Sadly, the vibrant flame of red locks became a beacon for suspicion and fear. The myth snaked its way through the ages, marking fiery-haired individuals as dangerously otherworldly. It's a stark reminder that, once upon a time, a simple genetic roulette could land you in seriously hot water—or rather, flames. Tragically, these alleged flame-fingered folks faced a chilling fate that was anything but a fairy tale.

7. Redheads Will Eventually Go Grey

To any redhead out there hoping to fade into obscurity once their fiery tresses go grey, I have somber news. It’s likely not going to happen. Most redheads (my grandmother included) go from red to blonde to white, with nary a grey hair. While the rest of us sorry saps have to start covering our grey, you’ll all be gorgeous strawberry blondes. Unfair!

So many myths … and so few redheads (only about 4% worldwide). If you’re a ginger, which of these myths about red hair have you heard, and which came as a surprise? Which is your own favorite? Or do you have another myth about red hair to share?

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I only see 2...not 7 myths.

about the grey hair... BS yes we DO get grey hair! Its sucks too.. My red has faded over the yrs but yes, we do get grey hair :(

I am a natural redhead and i love being one! Like it says there arent alot of us, but it makes us unique!! I also have alot of people rub my head for good luck!

I am a strawberry blonde(more red than blonde though) & after I had my son,my doctor kept pressing down on my tummy because he said "redheads tend to hemorrhage more than others" not sure...about that one...but I do have a fiery temper & I've only been stung twice in my life by a bee.

The only one I've ever heard of is that redheads have a fiery temper. The other myths I was surprised to learn about (and a few of them made me laugh aloud!).

True personally about the anesthetic.... I metabolize it way too fast! Also, my surgeon told me that redheads tend to bleed more and be more sensitive to some kinds of pain... makes sense if you have that pinker, more delicate skin!

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