Want fantastic, fast growing hair? Well, let’s discuss a few tips for a head massage that will relax you and give you exactly what you need! Why? Because hair growth and shiny, healthy hair are one of many head massage benefits and some even claim this popular stress relief can help you score radiant skin and a well rested look the cosmetic companies have been promising yet never actually been able to deliver. Sounds interesting? Well, then you simply must check out these tips and learn how to give a head massage:
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1. Get Equipped
First on my list of tips for scalp massage is for all of you scaredy cats out there! Don’t let the fact that you’ve never done anything like it before stop you – a DIY scalp massage is a must try and in case you’re worried that you won’t do it right simply invest in a massager. You can get a fancy, battery-operated one in case you don’t mind the extra cost or pick up a cheapo one in case you don’t mind putting some elbow grease into it! The hand-held one with those flexy, spidery legs is my personal favorite and I’d really suggest you give it try before you decide to tech-up – it’s dirt cheap, available everywhere (even supermarkets) and the feeling is too heavenly to even put in words!
2. Experiment with Essential Oils
We’ve talked a lot about scalp massage benefits so far and I’m sure you already know this is a must-do in case you want shiny, healthy, fast growing hair! Right? Well, although yours or your loved ones’ fingers will do the trick on their own, throwing in an essential oil or two (ideally, your own aromatherapy mixture that contains all those great oils you love) will prove to be an even better option. When combined together, these two things do wonders for both hair and scalp, giving you hair you’ve always dreamed of!
3. Anytime is a Good Time for a Massage
In the shower, while shampooing, in front of the TV, on the beach… once you’ve discovered how relaxing a head massage really is you’ll want to do it all the time! And you should – any time is a good one and best thing about a scalp massage is that it won’t take more than 10 to 15 minutes of your precious time! The only thing you shouldn’t do (at least not immediately after a massage) is operate a motorized vehicle as your brain and your body might prove to be too relaxed for such a task.
4. Be Gentle
Next on my list of tips for scalp massage of your dreams is to apply all that pro shampooing tips I’ve been discussing in one of my previous posts. Be gentle and use your fingertips only - you want to relax and increase the circulation of blood into your scalp, not scratch it and damage all your precious hair follicles! If done too harshly, a scalp massage might even tangle your hair and cause a headache which, I’m sure, isn’t something you want!
5. Visit a Pro
In case you don’t know how to give a head massage and the trial and err learning doesn’t seem like something you’d want to attempt on your head, you can always visit a pro and see (Or, should I say “feel”?) how it’s done. This can become your weekly guilty pleasure, something to look forward to in the end of an exhausting working week or you can turn it into a learning experience and settle for a few pro massages after which you’ll attempt to give yourself one.
6. Get a Book or Watch Videos
There is another way to learn how to give a scalp massage – something I’m sure all of you knowledge hungry budgetistas will love as it doesn’t require trips to expensive salons. Stop by your local library and rent a handbook or browse the Internet for How-To videos to help you get the moves down and learn tricks that will enable you to enjoy all head massage benefits, without having to pay top dollar for them! Invite your loved one or a family member to join you and you’ll have another set of skilled hands available, for times when you’re super tired or simply refuse to lift a finger.
7. Dim the Lights
Looking forward to more useful tips for scalp massage? Well, I have one more and this one is going to be super useful, not to mention super-relaxing and therefore great for all of you who suffer migraines, have trouble sleeping or have to deal with a lot of stress. Retreat to your bedroom 10 to 15 minutes before you actually plan on sleeping, dim the lights and work your favorite aroma therapy mixture into your scalp. This short yet super relaxing habit is an easy one to adopt, it will do wonders for your hair, health and nerves not to mention how easy falling asleep and dreaming nice, happy dreams will become once you work it into your busy, stress-inducing schedule.
Are there any cool tips for head massage you’d like to share today? Do tell! Scalp and head massage benefits are so great and I’m sure all of our wonderful ladies are dying to know everything there is to know about it!