Is It Time to Cut Your Hair Short?


Have you been thinking about cutting your hair short, but aren't quite sure whether you really want to go for the chop? Short hair is not only practical, but can also be really flattering. You might be surprised how good it looks on you! While you'll want to be sure that you're doing the right thing, since it takes time for hair to grow, here are some tips to help you decide if now is the right time to cut your hair short …

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You're Short of Time

Get a good cut, and short hair can be really practical. It's so easy to style, and dries really quickly. You won't need to use a hairdryer most times, and if you do it will take moments to dry. Short hair can be ideal for women who are very sporty, and busy moms who don't have much time to wash and style their hair.


It's Just Too Hot for Long Hair!

If you live in a country with hot summers or where it's hot all year round, it can feel like it's just too hot for long hair! Cutting your hair short makes your head feel so much lighter, and when it's hot it's a relief not to have longer hair, which makes you feel sweaty! You also won't have to keep tying your hair up to feel cooler.



Shorter hair is just so practical. It's quick and easy to style, easy to look after when traveling, and you don't need to pin it up to get it out of the way. You'll also use less shampoo, may not even need to use conditioner, and can fix it in place with just a little product.


You Always End up Pulling Your Hair into a Ponytail

Do you always end up pulling your hair back into a ponytail, either to keep it out of the way or because you don't know what else to do with it? Then cutting your hair short may be for you. Ponytails can look stylish, but when they become your default style for lack of ideas there doesn't seem much point in having your hair long!


You Really Need a Change of Image

If you really feel like you need a change of image, then it could be the perfect moment to go for the chop. A shorter cut can make you look completely different and transform your looks more than you ever thought possible. It may actually be a lot more flattering than long hair is on you.

Related: Haircut Time

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You've Split up with a Partner Who Preferred You with Long Hair

Some women keep their long hair because their partner prefers it that way, or thinks long hair is more feminine. If you've split up with a partner who didn't want you to cut your hair, then now you can please yourself. It's your hair, so do what you want with it (you should do anyway, but now you don't have to worry about someone else's opinion.


You'd Love to Try a Short Cut

If you'd love to try a short cut, then perhaps you should go for it. What's the worst that can happen? If it doesn't quite work, you can grow it out, or try a different cut. Short hair can look amazing, and you may find that you'll never want to wear it long again!

If you're not quite certain about cutting your hair, then try playing with an app to see how it might look. You could even try on wigs, or pin your hair in a faux short cut. If you like how it looks, go for it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I had long hair all my life. I cut it a year ago and I like that it's growing back but I'm at an awkward length where it's too short to do anything with but long enough to be in my way. I've thought about cutting my hair into a pixie cut but still miss my long hair. However I don't regret cutting my hair a year ago.

I love my short hair

Does cutting your hair make it look thicker? I've thought about cutting my mane but really really really unsure...not a luxurious, thick, shiny mane whatsoever

I'm not ready to cut my hair yet. Maybe when I'm 40 ;-)

I love my short hair it's a pixie cut so easy to maintain

I have shorter hair. With it being thick, it's not always easier to style. And you have to get your haircut more often. Kind of irritating when people ask if you would ever wear it longer. I did when I was younger...did it look better? Not really. You should go for a style that works best with your face shape.

No way lov mu long hair.

Don't! Make me cut my hair again they never grow back! Btw nice reasons to cut hair short. But if u have long hair and u cut them short u regret it so much u want to hide under ur bed and never come out.

The importance for me is to have my hair healthy. There was a time I had to cut my hair short because it was too dry. Now is long and maybe time for another cut. Hair always grows and it grows healthy.

My hair is currently at my waist and I'm thinking of getting it cut and donating it but I'm a little worried of regretting it I'm still young so it will grow back and I live in a hot country so it might be a good change

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