7 Little Known Hair Care Tips That Work ...

Jelena Jan 27, 2012

7 Little Known Hair Care Tips That Work ...
7 Little Known Hair Care Tips That Work ...

Hair Care Tips I’m about to list here are super easy, work like a charm and will help you protect your hair from damage and care for it properly. Now, I’m sure you’ve heard or read a lot of hair care tips before just as I’m sure that at least a few from this list will be a totally new discovery! So, are you ready to add a few new, interesting things to your styling and hair care routine? Well, check out these 7 interesting hair care tips:

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1. Shampoo Your Roots – Condition Your Ends

Proper hair care doesn’t just involve the products you use but the ways in which you use them as well. And, although finding a shampoo and a conditioner that work good for your hair type is crucial, it’s learning how to use them properly that gives those great results. Don’t shampoo and rub your ends as that could make them too dry and prone to breakage and, when conditioning, avoid applying the conditioner directly to your scalp. Hair close to the scalp is healthier, richer in keratin and needs only a little bit of conditioner to look good which means that you should apply a generous amount of conditioner on your ends and use your fingers to distribute it to the rest of your hair.

2. Say “Yes” to Natural Oils

From castor and rosemary oil to coconut and almond oil – natural is always better and that’s one of the best hair care tips you’ll ever get. All of these essential oils contain valuable nutrients that strengthen, nurture and repair your tresses leaving them shiny and supple. You can apply these oils to your scalp to ensure optimal hair growth or use them on dry ends to nurture the hair shaft.

3. Say “Yes” to Silicone Based Products

Silicone based products can be a double edged sword but, use them properly and they will help you have gorgeous, healthy hair you want. You see, although silicone based products don’t really do anything to nurture the hair from the inside, they still act as great sealants which help lock moisture inside the hair thus making the effects of all those wonderful homemade masks last longer. A silicone based oil or serum is also a great thing to have in summer because it allows you to band-aid split ends, prevent further damage and squeeze out a few more days on the sun, before visiting the salon for your tiny chop.

4. Breast Milk Reduces Frizz

Okaaaay, this is definitely one of those bizarre hair care tips some of you won’t even consider but, since it can help tame the frizz, I simply had to mention it. I’m sure you all know that breast milk is jam packed with nutrients because it needs to provide the baby with everything its fast growing body needs to develop properly but – did you know this nutrient potion can also do wonders for dry, frizzy hair as well? So, in case you’re breast feeding or know someone that does (providing that you don’t think it’s “Ewww” to use other person’s breast milk), simply spritz the milk on your hair 10-15 minutes before washing.

5. Sunscreen is a Hair Care Must

UV rays won’t only damage your skin, causing it to turn red and hurt, but fry your hair as well. And although your hair doesn’t hurt or is in need of conventional medications once this happens, you will notice that’s it has turned dry and coarse overnight! But, what can you do to prevent this from happening? Well, you will need to invest in a sunscreen formulated especially for hair or, even better, invest in special both styling and hair care products with a UV protection factor.

6. Hot Towel is Your Friend

Whether you’ve chosen to use a store bought intense repair system or a natural homemade mask, you’ll get the optimal results if you heat your scalp first. Wrapping a hot towel over your had either before or after the application will open the pores and help your scalp and your hair get the most nutrients out of the mixture. It’s as crucial to hair care as steaming the face is to skin care and, yet, it’s one of those hair care tips not a lot of people know of.

7. Protect Your Hair While You Sleep

The last of my hair care tips might sound like it’s coming directly from your grandma but, just hold on for a second and you’ll see exactly why this is good for you and your hair. You see, investing in a 100% silk bedding can be a very pricey endeavor, especially now, with the crisis knocking on everyone’s doors. Do the next best thing – get a silk night cap (or make one, in case you’re feeling crafty) to keep your hair protected from all the tangling, frizzing and breakage it might receive while you’re resting.

Are you going to give these hair care tips a shot and do you know of some special, totally awesome hair care tips that I haven’t mentioned here?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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