The Hair Extension Guide for First-Time Buyers ...

Olga Jul 16, 2021

The Hair Extension Guide for First-Time Buyers ...
The Hair Extension Guide for First-Time Buyers ...

Hair extensions are probably the only way some of us can enjoy long and shiny hair without having to wait for it to grow. Either due to some medical condition or simply because we hate growing long hair, it is safe to say that hair extensions help us look the way we want – minus the hassle.

However, many people don’t know what to look for in terms of hair extensions. This is why some of them have to deal with an unpleasant experience and maybe even quit using extensions for good.

Therefore, we’ve come up with this hair extensions guide so that you know what to do and what to look for when you are buying hair extensions for the very first time!

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1. Reasons to Buy Hair Extensions

Naturally, it is better to buy extensions when you have a good reason for doing so. For example, simply wanting long hair – while it is a good reason – may not be the perfect cue for you to get extensions.

This is because women usually get these when they suffer from hair loss and want to protect their hair, when they get a new hairstyle that (sadly) doesn’t fit them, or when they want to try new, amazing hair looks.

When it comes to the latter, it is well-known that those kinds of looks usually damage the hair, which is why it is much better to try those looks with the help of hair extensions.

2. Types of Hair Extensions

In terms of types, we can analyze hair extensions by their material or by the way they are attached to our scalp/hair.

3. Synthetic and Natural

First, we have synthetic and human hair extensions. Synthetic extensions are made out of fibers and put through chemical processes before they are ready to be used.

Human hair extensions are, as the name implies, made from human hair – mostly the hair of people from China and India. Given that the process of making an extension from real hair takes quite some time, this type of extension costs a lot more than the previously mentioned one.

4. Attachment Method

In the case of attachment, we have the clip-in, tape-in, pre-bonded, micro ring, weave, and halo hair extensions.

5. Clip-in

The clip-in ones are easy to attach and can fit perfectly with your hair. All you have to do is clip the extensions to your natural hair – of course, you can do this yourself and don’t need to be assisted.

6. Tape-in

For the second one, as the name implies, the extensions are meant to be glued or taped together to any side of your head. Tape-in extensions are fit for those that want to get extensions fast and, in most cases, only for a couple of days.

7. Pre-Bonded

Pre-bonded hair extensions will usually take up to four hours to be applied by a professional hairdresser. After the process is done, the extensions will stay on your head for up to six months, if you wish so. The main benefit of this type of extensions is that the hairdresser can match your natural hair color by mixing various colors and adding lowlights/highlights.

8. Micro Ring

Micro-ring extensions are known to be the safest and most good-looking extensions out there. This is because they are applied through your natural hair and then clamped down with a pair of pliers and finished with a metal bead.

9. Weave

Weave hair extensions give you the opportunity to try the hairstyle of your dreams. These are attached to your natural hair that has previously been braided into cornrows – making it perfect for those who want to try a short-hair look without cutting their long hair.

10. Halo

Naturally, a halo hair extension simply sits on your head and doesn’t require any glue, clips, or tape for application. You can apply such an extension yourself, in about one minute – it can last three to six months, depending on usage.

11. The Bottom Line

As a first-time buyer, you will do just fine if you know the basics of hair extensions. In this respect, you have to know the different types of extensions so that you can determine which one fits you better.

Obviously, if you want to know more – without having to personally ask a hairdresser - you can check this hair extensions guide, which will answer all of your questions and probably make you an extension specialist!

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