7 Tips to Lighten Your Hair ...

Rebecca Jul 17, 2011

7 Tips to Lighten Your Hair ...
7 Tips to Lighten Your Hair ...

If you are keen to take your hair colour up a few shades in keeping with the summer sunshine, you’ll want to make sure that you’re aware of all of your options before you get started – one manoeuvre in this field and you could end up with your tresses in a serious mess. Lightening your locks can be tricky and it’s always a good idea to do a little research to get yourself well informed; this way, you’ll ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. In order to help you out, I’ve done a little investigation of my own and put together this list of 7 tips to lighten your hair.

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1. Go Gradually

If you have jet black hair, it is not a good plan to take your colour all the way up to platinum blonde in one sitting. This will simply result in a lot of breakage and a hefty dose of unpleasant brassiness as well. Instead of aiming to bleach out your locks all at once, take your colour up gradually, no more than two shades at a time.

2. Keep Things Natural

If you have light brown or dark blonde hair to start with, and you’re keen to lighten your colour a little bit, a generous squeeze of lemon juice and a few minutes in the sun on a daily basis will help you to achieve the desired colour over time. Take care to treat your locks with a deep conditioner on a weekly basis; the acid in the lemon can cause dryness.

3. Highlights

For most of us, lightening colour is synonymous with highlights. This is a simple, subtle way to brighten up your locks and to introduce multi tones into you hair as well. Over time, repeated highlighting will eventually give way to almost solid blondeness and a because of this, hair dressers often recommend it as a strategy by which to gradually achieve a lighter colour.

4. Select the Shade

Not all lightening treatments and blonde dyes are created equal; there are myriad variations within the spectrum. Colours range from warm, golden blonde, to coppery strawberry shades and silvery ash tones. It is important that the colour that you choose compliments your skin tone and also works with your natural hair. Warmer colours will bring out pinkness and red tones in your skin, for example, while cool tones tend to drain colour from an already pale complexion.

5. Combat Brassiness

If you have dyed your hair blonde before, you will doubtless have had to contend with the spectre of brassiness. If lightener isn’t allowed to develop for the full period of time, or if you accidentally apply a shade of blonde that is too warm fro your own hair, you may find yourself with orange-tinted lock. In order to remedy this situation, you will need to purchase a toning product; this will combat the golden tinge and correct the colour.

6. Pre-Treat

All lightening treatments will – by definition – cause a fair amount of dehydration and weakening in your hair. In order to minimise the damage, make sure your locks are in great condition before you get on with the business of bleaching; apply a powerful strengthening conditioner for a few days before you plan to do the dying, and make sure that you take proper care of your locks once they have been successfully lightening as well.

7. A Professional Opinion

Lightening your hair is not a small step; if you have any qualms at all you should absolutely chat to your hair dresser about how best to go about making the alteration. He or she will be able to give you sound advice, based on plenty of professional experience and this will help you to avoid mishaps.

Taking your locks up a few shades is a great way to get into the swing of things for summer, and it will also brighten up your look during winter as well. Hopefully, this list of 7 tips to lighten your hair will help to make sure that you achieve maximum success with your colouring process – got any handy hints of your own to add to it?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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I'm anal when it comes to my hair and I had never really done any sort of dying because I was far too paranoid about the cons and I never saw the need. However, after one summer when I practically lived at the beach and skimped out on the hair protectants I fell in love with the natural highlights and surfer girl look. I've been trying to maintain that look withouth the UV and I've found that the best way to maintain the look sans-sunlight is to spritz with 5 to 9 % Hydrogen Peroxide. I don't do it very often but the results are stunning when I do. It creates natural highlights without looking brassy and DIY. I always follow with an intensive hot oil and restorative hair mask to undo any damage I may have caused.

Great idea.Try to get the same style but cheaper on Friseur-Deal. Greetings silke

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