You know that using a hair conditioner is important for keeping your mane tangle free. The right one also promotes healthy growth and keeps your strands shiny and smooth. You should always look for a conditioner that is designed for your hair type. However, you aren't restricted to the options on store shelves. Often, making your own hair conditioner allows you to address specific issues and use only the ingredients you want in your hair. Here are some fabulous DIY recipes to try on your own at home.
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1. Deep Conditioner
It's a good idea to do a deep conditioning treatment on a regular basis. This hydrates your hair and restores its natural health. This version is made with apple cider vinegar, eggs, mayonnaise and honey.
2. For Natural Hair
If you want to boost the health of your natural hair, this is the homemade hair conditioner for you. Olive oil, baby oil and an egg star in this outstanding conditioning product.
3. Easy and Affordable
This homemade product contains olive oil for hydration, coconut oil to strengthen each strand and honey to soften your hair and keep it healthy and shiny. This product is super easy to make and won't cost you a ton of money either.
4. For Dry Hair
If you have dry hair, conditioner is an easy way to boost the health and hydration of your hair. This easy formula contains argan oil and aloe vera, which both work to moisturize each strand and leave you with tangle-free and lustrous hair.
5. Banana Hair Conditioner
Bananas are chock full of nutrients that are good for your hair. So it makes sense to create a hair conditioner made from the fruit. This homemade conditioner is easy to make and totally effective for hydrating your hair.
6. Coconut Oil and Egg Conditioner
Eggs are a wonderful ingredient for your homemade hair conditioner because they are packed full of protein, which your hair needs for good health. The coconut oil hydrates each strand and gives you the hair you've been dreaming of.
7. Honey Hair Conditioner
Honey contains a ton of antioxidants, which are good for keeping your hair strong and healthy. This conditioner makes good use of honey combined with olive oil to give you lustrous hair all day, every day.
8. Avocado and Olive Oil Hair Conditioner
The reason you want to use avocado in you rhair conditioner is because it contains healthy fats. Those fats pump each strand of hair with nutrients and helps keep them moisturized and healthy. You are going to love this one!
9. For Extra Damaged Hair
Damaged hair is something that most girls have to deal with from time to time. The trick to getting rid of it is to use the right hair products. This conditioner contains honey, olive oil and coconut oil, which combine to give you the best hair you've ever had.
10. Coconut Milk Hair Conditioner
You know that coconut oil is a good choice for your hair, but coconut milk is a great option too. It's super moisturizing and conditioning and you'll notice the difference almost right away.
11. DIY Leave in Conditioner
A rinse out conditioner is great for healthy hair. Using a leave in conditioner now and then is also a great choice. This one contains water, jojoba oil and peppermint oil. It's awesome!
12. Vegan Deep Conditioner
If you prefer vegan beauty products, this DIY conditioner is a perfect choice. It contains aloe vera juice, banana, avocado and fenugreek powder. It's a wonderful combination that will give you the hair of your dreams.
13. Yogurt Hair Conditioner
Yogurt is filled with healthy fats that moisturize your hair and restore its look and feel. This conditioner is really easy to make and super easy to use. You're going to love the results.
14. Shea Butter Formula
Shea butter is great for your skin, but it's also wonderful for your hair. It nourishes and hydrates your hair while also fighting flakes and dryness. Coconut oil and olive oil help make this one of the best hair conditioners out there.
15. Olive Oil and Mango Butter
If you have dry hair and want it to grow longer and stronger, you will love this hair conditioner. It's easy to whip up and super effective. It smells pretty good too!
Have you ever used a homemade hair conditioner? Which of these recipes do you want to try first?