7 Hair Dyeing Video Tutorials to Help You Master It ...


A hair dyeing video might not sound like an ideal way to pick up some wicked skills, but browse YouTube and you’ll find plenty of both pros and amateurs doing their best to show you how to do awesome things on your own. A crafty woman can learn a lot by absorbing this freely given knowledge, and wouldn’t it be cool if we could rock superb coloring jobs for a fraction of the price? Hope you’re ready to learn, girls, because I’ve got a great hair dyeing video (or few) to share!

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1. Balayage/Ombre Highlights

This hair dyeing video is an absolute must see and trust me, ladies – you can do this at home! I touch up my ombre using this technique every couple of months and it really makes the whole look more natural and sort of professionally-done. Applying your dye this way takes hardly any skill and once you’ve decided where to start and which sections to do, you’ll be done and ready to tone in no time!

2. Dyeing Hair with Chalk

A bit messy, I’d say, but totally worth a try! Now, you probably won’t see me sporting a full rainbow look but a pinkish, purplish ombre – why not! The best thing about chalk pastels is that they don’t take forever to wash out, which is pretty great if you too like to experiment a lot but need to look like a grownup on most days.

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3. Root Touch-Ups for Beginners

Being able to touch up roots on your own is a serious survival skill! I’m talking from experience here and trust me, there are times when a girl has to be able to rely on herself. Why not check out this well-explained, expertly-filmed DIY at least for the fun of it? You’ll be surprised how easy it is!

4. Color Correcting 101

Bleaching can leave you with a range of ugly brassy tones, and fixing them like a pro is often a real struggle. Sure, we’ve seen the vids and know how good toners, ash and neutral dyes are by now. But there’s always more to learn and this pro is kind enough to share!

5. Highlight Touch-Ups for Blondes

Another great hair dyeing tutorial from this awesome stylist! If you already have highlights, need a quick and cost-effective way to freshen up your ‘do in between two major coloring procedures and you also happen to have some highlighting skills, this tutorial is just what the doctor ordered.

6. Toning Hack for Platinum Hair

Freshly dyed platinum hair is a huge head-turner, but even these expertly lightened tresses get a bit dull and yellowish after a while. Check out this video to learn how to stretch a buck by toning at home and don’t worry about hair damage because this is just your good ole purple shampoo.

7. Blonde to Brunette Transformation

Transitioning from bleached blonde to warm, rich brunette is actually quite tricky and can sometimes leave you with dull or even greenish-tinged hair. Consult this interesting tutorial to learn about restoring warm undertones and you’ll be rocking Kim’s pre-Kanye ‘do in no time.

Would you ever risk dyeing your own hair? I actually think it’s pretty awesome and do it all the time, although I must admit some things are better left to a pro.

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The foiling video makes me cry, I'm a hairdresser and I took me three years of training to become qualified and I would never foil my own hair, take my advice just go to a professional

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