7 Hair Salon Etiquette Tips That Will Make Your Hairstylist Love You ...

Alicia Dec 21, 2013

7 Hair Salon Etiquette Tips That Will Make Your Hairstylist Love You ...
7 Hair Salon Etiquette Tips That Will Make Your Hairstylist Love You ...

Do you want to know some hair salon etiquette tips to help you have a better relationship with your hairstylist? I know that I want to do all that I can to help me have a great relationship with my hair stylist. And if she happens to think I am great, so much the better. These are a few hair salon etiquette tips to help you get your hairstylist to love you.

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1. Be on Time for Your Appointment

Everyone is late sometimes. But one of the most important hair salon etiquette tips to follow is to do you absolute best to be on time for your appointment. When you are late to an appointment with your hair stylist, you are throwing their whole day off. It begins a pattern of them running behind and may mean that their next client will have to wait. This isn’t going to make anyone happy, believe me.

2. Tip

Tipping is part of hair salon etiquette. How much to tip is an individual decision but the average seems to be between 10 and 20 percent. If your hairdresser makes special considerations for you, you may want to give a bit more. A couple of examples of situations that might be considered a special consideration are cutting a crying toddler’s hair or if they came in earlier than their normal hours for you. For me, I usually just round up five or ten dollars from the price given.

3. Let Your Calls Go to Voicemail

It is best to let your calls go to voicemail when you are in the chair. Of course, there will be times you need to answer your phone. A phone call from your child’s school or a return call from your doctor should be taken among a few others. But let the ones that you know are just for chatting go to voicemail. This makes your hairstylist’s job much easier than working around your phone or waiting for your call to end.

4. Be Honest

I have found that most hairstylists appreciate your honesty. They would much rather you tell them if you are displeased than go out the door and trash them to others. The key to remember here is that they do have feelings and to express your displeasure politely. Additionally, you should also be honest if you love your hair. Everyone loves compliments, including your hairdresser.

5. Be Friendly

You do not have to sit in the chair and say nothing for two hours. In fact, this can make that time very awkward. You do not have to be a chatty Kathy but be friendly. If you like your stylist and stay with them for quite a while, you can actually form a great working relationship.. You will find that you end up looking forward to getting your hair done instead of dreading the time you have to sit.

6. Communicate Clearly

Help your hairstylist out, ladies. Don’t expect them to know what you want with little or no guidance. Most hairstylists feel like the more information you give them, the better. Don’t be afraid to say that you want your hair a little darker than last time or that you want longer bangs. Also, most hairstylists love pictures of what you are working toward to give them a clear and visual picture.

7. Remember Occasions

Lastly, remember occasions. If you have been with your hairstylists quite a while, say at least three to five years, then it is nice to remember occasions. Send them a Christmas card. Buy them a baby gift if they are expecting. These little gestures mean a lot to your hairstylist and will certainly make them love you.

Let’s talk about your relationship with your hairstylist. What hair salon etiquette tips to you make sure to follow? I would love to learn from you!

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