The Struggles of Long Hair Can You Relate?


The Struggles of Long Hair  Can You Relate?
The Struggles of Long Hair  Can You Relate?

It's great having long hair because you can wear a different style every day. But keeping it looking good takes investment. And if you have long hair, you'll certainly recognize some of these struggles.

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1. Bed Head

Bed Head Waking up with bed hair is never fun, but when your hair is nearly down to your butt it can be completely untamable!

2. Big Knots

Big Knots Having to spend 30 minutes every morning painfully brushing out all of the knots that occurred overnight!

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3. Bye Clumps

Bye Clumps That feeling of panic when for no reason you run your hands through your hair and end up with literally hundreds of strands coming out!

4. Washing

Washing The literal hour it takes to wash your locks that could be spent doing much more fun things.

5. Shampoo

Shampoo Having to get back in the shower because you realize you haven’t got even half of the shampoo out of your hair.

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6. Brushing

Brushing Having to permanently have a brush nearby to get rid of any tangles that occur on an hourly basis.

7. Blow Dry

Blow Dry The permanent ear damage that you are sure you have because you have to blow dry your hair for at least 45 minutes.

8. Still Wet

Still Wet The fact that no matter how long your dry it for, it never feels 100% done!

9. Styling

Styling No matter what style you go for, unless it’s a simple ponytail, it’s going to take forever to achieve.

10. Straightening

Straightening And let’s not even talk about straightening, that’s an hour of your life every time that you will never get back!

11. Curling

Curling And curling? Forget about it! That’ll be at least a couple of hours!

12. Braiding

Braiding You hate the fact that you always give up and end up just putting your hair in to a classic braid to save time and hassle.


Having long hair can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it can be a great way to express yourself and create a unique look. But on the other hand, it can require a lot of time and effort to take care of. One of the most common struggles of having long hair is the time it takes to style it. Braiding is often seen as an easy go-to style for those with long hair, but it can also be a source of frustration.

Braiding your hair can be a time consuming process, and sometimes it can be difficult to get the braid just right. It can also be hard to keep the braid neat and tidy throughout the day. Plus, if you're trying to create a more intricate braid, such as a French braid, it can be difficult to get the technique right.

Another issue with braiding is that it can be damaging to your hair. If you pull too tightly on your hair when braiding, it can cause breakage and split ends. It's also important to use the right kind of products, such as a heat protectant, to help protect your hair from damage.

13. Messy Bun

Messy Bun Or even worse, that messy bun that you turn to whenever you feel like your hair is going to beat you once and for all!

14. Bobby Pins

Bobby Pins You are sure that there are upwards of ten bobby pins lost in your hair at any one time!

15. Found Them!

Found Them! Oh yeah, that’s right, you eventually find them when you are in the shower and they sail down the drain never to return!

16. Hairspray

Hairspray When it comes to hairspray, it’s pretty much all or nothing. Applying just a little bit will make absolutely no difference.

17. Molting

Molting You feel like a long-haired cat when you start to notice your hair on everything. Literally everything, everywhere.

18. Still There

Still There Even when you sweep the house and vacuum the carpets, your hair is always there!

19. Hair in Bed

Hair in Bed Hair on your pillows, hair underneath your duvet. HAIR EVERYWHERE!

20. Food

Food We’ve all been there. You cook yourself a great meal and just before your first mouthful, you notice a familiar strand has made its way in to the mix!

21. Hugs

Hugs Hugging your friends is a nightmare because they always end up with a mouthful of hair.

22. Hood Difficultly

Hood Difficultly You find it hard to put a hood up because there is literally just too much hair to fit in there.

23. Windows down

Windows down Driving with the windows down is literally impossible because you would end up crashing the car from lack of vision in the wind!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is why I got a bob

Yep yep and yep!

Slammed my hair in car doors a few times on accident, then didn't notice til I tried to walk away. Ouch!!!

Gah, hair in the drain, food, everywhere :( it never ends for me! And what's more annoying is that I have a lot but feels like it's thinning out!

So true ahahah number 3 and hair everywhere are the worst! And not to mention the loong hair that get stuck in the drain 🙈

Story of my life haha

This is the most accurate post I've ever seen on here! I actually have to vacuum my bed daily to get rid of the hair...

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