What's Your Hair Color Say about You? ...


Do you have a burning hot temper to match your red tresses? A warm personality to match your golden locks? Are you as creative as your pastel curls? Your hair color can say so much about you! Which stereotypes come with your hair?

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1. Ombre

Ombre is still very much in style! The look of darker roots and mid-lengths melting into lighter ends speaks to your ease (there's practically no upkeep) - and, therefore, shows off your carefree personality. It also shows that you're a woman who doesn’t always play it safe.

2. Brunette

Whether it’s true or not, research shows that people tend to put a lot of stock in a brunette’s brain. They're viewed as smarter, as well as levelheaded and great judges of character. Do those traits fit you?

Frequently asked questions

3. Deep Brown/black

Brown hair that's verging on black can be a tough color to pull off. These dark locks carry mystery, something that makes makes people very intrigued in you. Mystery turns into curiosity - people want to know all about you!

4. Red

Did you know that only 2-6% of the US population can claim to be a natural born ginger? So, clearly, redheads are very rare. That's why it's such an eye-grabbing color! Redheads are seen as being adventurous, fiery, and outgoing.

5. Golden Blonde

Blondes are usually seen as "the girl next door." The color gives a sort of innocence, but also gives some sex appeal. Golden blonde is a fun and flirty color that shines when paired with an outgoing personality! Do blondes really have more fun?

Do you think the stereotypes for your hair color ring true?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Brunette: exact

I've actually never heard that blondes are considered the girl next door. I thought the stereotype,was that blondes were fun and flirty and such "blondes have more fun" y'know


Blonde. Light grey blonde. This doesn't fit me at all. Hmm.

And we poor old dears with grey and white hair?

What about dirty blond?

I'm a redhead

I have black hair.. so I'm nothing, I guess. Yup.

No that's ridiculous

Deep Brown/ Black is me! ☺️💕 People do like to talk to me! So I guess its true lol

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