8 Innovative Things to Try with Your Hair ...

Lyndsie May 14, 2011

8 Innovative Things to Try with Your Hair ...
8 Innovative Things to Try with Your Hair ...

Hair, I think, is the one thing on your body that you can really play with; you can experiment and have fun without too much fear. Tattoos and piercings, you might come to regret those, but whatever you do with your hair, it's going to grow back. There was a character in a book by Alice Walker who taught me that, and since I first read it, I've been pretty given to experimentation. Nothing too outrageous, you know, just things I think are cool. If you're on the same page with me, then here are some really fun, innovative things to try with your hair!

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1. Technicolor Tresses

Dyeing is always an innovative thing to try with your hair. Once, I dyed my bangs – just my bangs – purple. I know, I know. Still, playing around with color is tons of fun. You can go all over with the color, dye the undersides, do some streaks, or even try using different colored hair extensions, of the sort you just pin into your hair. Then again, you could also try...

2. The Dip

Ah, the dip! It is definitely making waves right now, wouldn't you agree? So far as I can tell, you literally just dip your hair in dye – generally a bright, unnatural color, like pink or purple or blue. If you have dark hair, you may need to dip in bleach first. I need to look into this a little bit more, I think, but for now, does anyone know the ins and outs of this? Regardless, you end up with just the last few inches of your hair a vibrant color – and nope, this isn't just for teens anymore!

3. The Girl with Flowers in Her Hair

On the softer side of things, a lot of girls and women are wearing flowers in their hair, and it's absolutely gorgeous. You can pin real flowers into your hair – or several – or, of course, you can get flowery hair accessories, from headbands to barrettes. This is a really pretty, classic look; it gets innovative, though, when you really get creative with it, either through positioning or flower choice.

4. Channel the '60s

One of the most innovative things to try with your hair is to channel the past. Thanks to an evolution on the pouf, the '60s are making a big comeback, at least in terms of hairstyles. Mainly, girls are going with very large poufs that usually requires a hair ring or “doughnut,” as they're known. You almost make a beehive, and with some side swept tendrils or outright bangs, it looks absolutely gorgeous.

5. The Reverse Mullet

Probably that title is going to make you cringe, but I promise it's not really like a mullet! Rather, a fun, classy, sexy, predominate style these days is to have your hair high on the top and low on the bottom. You need a product that gives you lots of volume, but other than that, it's pretty easy to do. You let your hair air dry, brush it into a side ponytail that is low on the nape of your neck, and make a kind of messy chignon. On top, just tease your hair by running a comb back and forth through it – then spray!

6. Give It Some Sparkle

Girls are all about sparkle these days, and that manifests itself in several ways. On the evening streets of Salem, for example, I've seen girls with glitter dusted in their hair. It's very pretty, but personally, I think that could get messy. I mean, I brushed by one of these girls once and ended up looking like Tinkerbell sneezed on me. I think some hairspray would have helped her out. Still, if you're not willing to risk it, just try some sparkly hair accessories instead, and give yourself some safe glitterati prettiness!

7. Create Some Illusion

We're often never totally happy with our current hairstyles. If your hair is short, you want it long again; if it's long, you wish you could experience it short. One innovative thing to try with your hair in the case of the latter wish is to either curl your hair into ringlets, or learn to pin it, just so. I've seen a lot of celebs doing that, giving their hair the illusion of a short 'do, typically in a glamorous '50s finger wave, with some strategic pinning. As for wanting your hair longer, if you don't want to try extensions, just try a straightener, instead.

8. Bobby Pin Madness

I'm a big believer in bobby pins. There is no set style here. What I'm saying is, you can do practically anything with bobby pins, as long as you've got patience and imagination. Just try to experiment – pin your bangs, your bag, your sides. If you're like me, sometimes you just run your fingers through your hair, play with it a little, and come up with a new style. Try that in the mirror and if you find something you like, start pinning!

There are literally tons of innovative things you can try with your hair. That's what it's there for, after all! If you've always wanted to try a certain style or trend, just give in with the knowledge that it's not forever! How do you like to experiment with your hair?

Top Photo Credit: Musa de Lirio

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