Before cutting your bangs, it’s a good idea to give it some thought. I’m sure I’m not the only one who got a hack job that made me cry. Bangs are great for framing your face just right and can even hide lines and wrinkles on your forehead, but they aren’t for everyone. You’ll need to be prepared to do something with your bangs everyday and probably won’t be able to just get up and go. Before cutting your bangs, think about the following things so you know you’re getting exactly what you want.
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1. Extra Time
Most people can’t just leave their bangs as they lie. My bangs look horrible unless I style them and chances are you’re the same way. If you’re one of the lucky few who have bangs that do just what you want them to – well, I’m jealous. For the rest of us, before cutting your bangs, it’s a good idea to be sure you have the time and energy to commit to the extra styling time every day.
2. Face Shape
Your face shape might not be the same as the person whose bangs you’re coveting. Your stylist should be able to give you some pointers regarding the right bangs for your face. In general, blunt bangs are ideal for narrow faces, while wispy side-swept bangs are better for heart-shaped faces. Long bangs worn to the side are great for almost anyone.
3. Trims
You’ll be surprised at how quickly your bangs will grow. That means regular trims. If you’re new to bangs, I would strongly encourage you to have them trimmed by your stylist. However, you may be able to give them a quick trim at home if you’re more experienced. Either way, expect to need a trim every few weeks to maintain your look.
4. Hair Type
While bangs can potentially work for any hair type, the kind you get cut depends on yours. You can really boost thinner hair by adding some bangs, so consider some that start further back on your head. If you have thick hair, longer bangs are a great way to tone down the thickness and give you a style you’ll love.
5. Tools
Having bangs means having some tools on hand to keep them looking the way you want. Some hair experts recommend against using a flat iron day after day to straighten bangs. Instead, use a brush and a blow dryer to get them flat and straight. You may want to invest in some heat styling cream to use beforehand, which protects your bangs from damage and breakage.
6. Accessories
Having bangs means an entirely new set of hair styling rules. If you want to push bangs back, you’re going to need some cute accessories to do the trick. Try headbands, clips or barrettes so you can achieve a variety of looks, whether you decide to leave your bangs down or put them back.
7. Opinions
I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again. Never, ever skip bangs just because someone else says you shouldn’t do it. I totally recommend getting the cut you want. However, it’s a good idea to think about what others would say about your bangs. I once got my hair cut really short and my kids and my husband hated it. Even though I liked it, it made me feel self-conscious because I knew they didn’t. You might want to give this a quick thought before going for it.
Do you have bangs? What made you decide to get them? I’m growing my bangs out right now, but sometimes I think about going and having them cut back in.
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