7 Ways to Deal with Damaged Hair ...


7 Ways to Deal with Damaged Hair ...
7 Ways to Deal with Damaged Hair ...

We women sure do love our hair dryers and curling irons, don't we? And who can live without a new hair color or perm? As great as these things are, they're super damaging on our fragile hair. If we must use them, we should take care to "baby" our hair with lots of good things for it. However, if you're already faced with dry, brittle hair, here are 7 ways to deal with damaged hair and make it better!

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1. Moisturizing Masks

It's a good idea to use a good moisturizing mask once a week. L'Oreal has a great masque for your hair. It's called "Ever Strong." Another good one is called "It's a 10" and can be bought from beauty shops and local beauty supply stores. If your hair is badly damaged, on top of using one of these products once a week, you should try Aussie 3 Minute Miracle every time you shampoo your hair.

2. Vinegar Soak

If you're like me, and find the smell of vinegar repulsive, this tip isn't for you! Some say Apple Cider vinegar works best, others say as long as it is plain vinegar with no additives; it doesn't matter what kind you choose. Whatever your choice, simply soak your hair in vinegar and allow to set for a few minutes before shampooing and conditioning. Not only does this remedy split ends, it also gently removes buildup on your hair and restores shine! Believe me, if I could handle the smell, I'd be trying this one for sure!

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3. Egg Mixture

Eggs are really good for moisturizing your hair. Eggs smooth your hair, enhance elasticity and even help with fighting limp, lifeless hair! The best way to use them is to whip 2 eggs and a tsp. of honey together and apply to small sections of your (dry) hair at a time. Once you've got it all done, allow to set for 30 minutes and rinse in cool water for best results, then shampoo as usual. Make sure to use cool water as it will keep from stripping too much of the good stuff from your hair follicles. (Also, I read where rinsing with hot water would actually cook the egg in your hair!)

4. Mayo

A good mayo hair goop is always an option. Using mayo on your hair gives your the same benefits of eggs - just with a different smell. From what I read, however you have to leave it on your hair longer (one article said to sleep with it in your hair!) than you do the egg mixture. So my professional opinion is use eggs instead!

5. Try Conditioner First

Sometimes, it is beneficial to condition your hair first. To do this, start with dry hair, work your conditioner in, allow to set for a few minutes, then rinse and follow with your usual shampoo and conditioning. By doing this, you gently remove buildup and prepare your hair for the shampoo.

6. Use a Shea Body Butter

Believe it or not, body butter is good for your hair too. The shea butter in it is the key ingredient for ultra moisture. So, when you don't have any of the other things I've listed, you can always try your body butter. Goop up your hair with it, allow to set for a few minutes, rinse with cool water and shampoo as usual. Don't forget to end once again with a good hair conditioner!

7. Get a Haircut

If all else fails, cut it off! Sometimes, we damage our hair beyond repair. When this happens, it's better to visit your beautician for a nice short hairdo, and start over. Just think of it as a major change or beauty transformation. Try something new and fun! Hey, it grows back!

Living with damaged hair can be aggravating. We all want our hair to look beautiful and deliciously soft like we see in the commercials. So why not? Follow these tips and you're sure to have luscious hair that everyone will notice! No more damaged hair for you!

Top Photo Credit: laurenlemon

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