7 YouTube Tutorials on Curls ...


With the winter “blues” finally behind us and the sun shining happily once again, I bet all of you curly ladies will feel better having fun outside than spending hours inside trying to work up a perfectly flat, groomed hairstyle. Some of the straight haired ladies may even wish to change their appearance for a day or two and model those gorgeous romantic curls. Well, do not worry because I’ve done the browsing for you and I have managed to find some great YouTube tutorials to help you style and groom your locks, regardless of their length and texture. So, have fun watching and remember – if you arm yourself with enough patience, these YouTube tutorials on curls could be everything you need to have perfectly styled hair!

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1. Flat Iron Curls

Wanna have those luscious bouncy curls? Well, don’t worry because Iris is going to show you how to get them with the help of your flat iron and your flat iron only. Yup, you heard good – no fancy curling irons or techniques this time, just your ol’ hair straightener and some patience. Hope you have long hair, though, because I doubt this curling technique would work on short or even medium-long hair.

2. Casual Hairstyle Ideas

Umm… Do I have to mention that these styles are super cute and super easy? I’ll pass ‘cause you’re about to hear it at least 10 times throughout this video. LOL! I know, I know, I’m being really mean right now! But, my weird humor aside, this girl has some really good ideas! Hairstyle ideas number one and two are definitely my summer favorites and the hippie headband is something I’m definitely going to try out in the near future. Now, the best thing about summer and curly hair is that your hairstyle doesn’t have to be all perfect so if you like casual, messy does definitely take it from here and start experimenting with different types of buns and braids. I love ‘em!

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3. Short Extra Curly Hairstyles and Products

This girl right here has amazing hair! I’ve always loved these cute tiny curls so if you’re one of the lucky ones I must say I’m really jealous. Now, what I especially like about this YouTube tutorial on curls is that it doesn’t only deal with fun and easily doable styles but different products too. So, in case you want to mix things up a bit or add some new hair products to your styling routine, you’ll be able to see them, find out what are they for and figure out if that is something you could find useful.

4. Big Curls – No Heat

Watch and learn because this girl knows how to work her rollers! I don’t have a hairpiece so the part that involves it is pretty much useless to me, but rolling tricks will definitely come handy when I decide to opt for a more glamorous, polished look like this one. Now, most people make a mistake of pulling the roller straight down as if they were trying to rip it out of the hair, but as you can see, the trick is to gently remove it using a circular motion. The bigger the rollers are, the bigger the curls will be so if you’re in a mood for a bit more defined curls, I’d suggest using smaller rollers. Great YouTube tutorial on curls indeed and what makes it different than all others is the curling method itself so, if you’re looking for a way to get those gorgeous curls without having to burn your precious hair, I definitely suggest giving it a shot.

5. Gorgeous Spiral Curls

Whoa! Now what do you say about this YouTube tutorial on curls? I can’t believe it took her only an hour to curl her hair using nothing but bobby pins! Well, I guess practice makes it perfect so in case you’re about to have an extremely boring weekend or a holiday, I’d suggest you start practicing! The end result is just amazing, that’s for sure but, knowing my hairdressing skills, I’d probably need two days and an additional set of hands to get it done!

6. Huge Romantic Curls

She is adorable, has the funniest facial expressions ever and knows how to work the curling iron in a way that I will never be able to! This looks like a really long process but the amazing end results make it all worthwhile. Don’t you think? I love this look and the next time I decide to use the curling iron to tame my curls, I’ll definitely remember to secure them with some bobby pins and twist every curl in the opposite direction.

7. Care Tips

Well, I have to say that it’s a good thing that I’ve found this video because I was just starting to think my hair is the only trouble-maker out there! Yup, this lady definitely has some interesting tips to share so listen very carefully. In order to have a decent, naturally curly look, I do have to pick my styling products and my hairstylists very carefully and using a “cool” setting just before I finish blow drying my hair really helps reduce the stupid frizzing too! Definitely check it out! I loved this video because it kind of made me feel better knowing that I’m not the only one suffering from crazy hair, bad haircuts and frizz.

Did you find these YouTube tutorials on curls useful, girls? I sure did, although I’m going to have to practice a lot if I want my hair looking like that! You see, I told you! YouTube tutorials can be a great thing sometimes!

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com


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