7 Possible Reasons Why You're Losing Hair ...


7 Possible Reasons Why You're Losing Hair ...
7 Possible Reasons Why You're Losing Hair ...

There are many factors that can attribute to the reasons why you're losing hair. With the amount of daily stressors around, there's truth behind the speculation that people are losing their hair in a more rapid and widespread way. While it may not seem plausible, the best way to slow down or eradicate this process is to make sure that you take care of your health. These reasons why you're losing hair will not only aid in shedding light on this issue, but will also show you why it is utterly important to put your well being first.

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1. Hereditary

One of the top reasons why you're losing hair can simply be due to your family's history with hair. The genes that promote hair loss can sometimes be hereditary, meaning that it will be more difficult to combat their effects on your own hair. There are a series of tests that can be done to find out whether the hair loss is hereditary. ABC News reporter Winnie Yu stated, "Your dermatologist will examine the pattern of hair loss to determine if it's hereditary and may order blood work to rule out other causes, Dr. Jakubowicz says. A biopsy of your scalp is sometimes done to see if the hair follicles have been replaced with miniaturized follicles, a surefire sign of hereditary hair loss." Take a trip to see your dermatologist to get an efficient diagnosis.

2. Stress

Stress is one of the most well-known causes of hair loss. For instance, the condition known as telogen effluvium can cause a lot of your hair to fall out after you've experienced a particularly stressful event. This condition forces your hair to enter the telogen stage of hair growth; in other words, your hair will begin to shed at a quicker rate than what would be considered normal.

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3. Diets

Dieting can also play as a major factor in hair loss. Think twice if you follow an extreme diet plan that promotes weight loss through unsafe methods. You have to make sure that you are taking care of your body; a healthy diet and mentality will certainly go a long way.

4. Hairstyle

This is one of the more obvious reasons why your hair loss has increased. If you are constantly trying on different hairstyles, you may want to make sure that your hair follicles are not irritated. Some hairstyles can pull your hair to the point of breakage. For instance, I've been told that consistently wearing your hair in a tight ponytail may aid in causing your hair line to recede.

5. Chemicals

This should not come as a surprise as it correlates to the previous point. Whether you go to the hair salon or prefer to do it at home, the frequent application of various beauty products is not very healthy for your hair. Constantly layering on said chemicals will cause them to set in your hair, perpetually blocking the hair follicles.

6. Hormones

If your hormones become imbalanced, there is a slight chance that your hair will be affected. One of the side effects of pregnancy or extreme weight loss can sometimes include hair loss.

7. Hair Care

Instead of providing another reason why you may be losing hair, I feel that it is more important to offer you advice on how to manage it. As there are different ways to prevent hair loss, it is vital that you either see a doctor that can help you form an individualized plan or try different methods in order to stop your hair from shedding at an alarming rate. One of the most common treatments used is cortisone, a cream that can be applied directly onto your scalp that promotes hair growth. Conversely, I have a friend that uses a green tea mixture as a supplement to chemicals. The antioxidants inside of the tea leaves are known to have many benefits.

You should never allow yourself to feel ashamed at the prospect of losing your hair. Keeping these diverse factors in mind is essential when putting things into perspective. Always remember that it's just hair! Are there any products that you feel help combat hair loss? What are some ways that you protect your hair?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm losing my hair and I hate it so much I tried everything but nothing works I guess it's because of stress but how can I stop being stressed ?

Biotin has definitely helped with the thickness of my hair... Less manipulation, especially w heat, the better!

I lose so much hair as I never really took care of it as a child! I would brush it really hard and now you could see my scalp through my hair and I'm only 16! I suffered from anorexia as well and I don't know how to get my hair back, it used to be so thick and long :(

See at 13 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism & my number one symptom was me loosing hair. Now I take thyroid pills :)

When I was pregnant my hair grew 5 inches

I was losing hair at an increasing rate over the past year. It was falling out so fast that my scalp was sore/ tender. Went to two different healthcare providers and multiple diagnoses and treatments that didn't work. In the end I found out my Vitamin D level was critically low! You retain Vitamin D not from diet but through your skin from the sun. I work night shift and was not getting enough time in the sun. Started on a Vitamin D supplement and have made an effort to spend more time outside during the daylight and my hair loss is back to a normal healthy rate!!

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