Natural hair textures are one of the first things most women would love to change about themselves! Curly girls straighten their hair, girls with straight hair can't live without their curling irons and so on and on and on! Why, ladies, that’s no way to treat your gorgeous natural hair! And here are a few tips to inspire you to fry your hair less and really fall in love with your natural hair texture:
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1. Discover the Right Products
My waves can transform into gorgeous locks or end up looking like the worst, the frizziest the most shapeless mess ever, all depending on the shampoo and most importantly, the conditioner I’ll use. The funny thing is that I didn’t start to enjoy my natural hair until I’ve accidentally stumbled on a couple of great products! And you know what? I’m not the only one!
2. Find the Right Cut
A skillful hairdresser can give you that perfect cut thus enable you to get the best out of your natural hair texture and literally fall in love with it! But, here’s the interesting part – YOU have to play the lead role! Allow your hair to dry naturally, put it up in a ponytail and let your stylist see what you see. Say, “I like this” but “I don’t like that”, “I want this” but “I would like to avoid that”. Ask him/her to cut a style that’s easy to maintain, looks good on you and allows you to feel beautiful even without a flat/curling iron. Give it a shot- you’ll be surprised to know that many stylists out there prefer natural hair textures and are more than happy to help their customers ditch old styles and habits.
3. Care for Your Hair
Damaged hair poufs, frizzes and looks very bad so you can’t just wash and let dry – you have to straighten it, curl it and apply a lot of products. The solution? Say, “From this day on, I’ll have healthy hair that will be the envy of others” and start working on it. Chop everything you can’t repair, start experimenting with natural masks, adopt some healthy eating habits and invest in a few popular products for damaged hair. Love your hair and it will love you back. Going natural and ditching unnecessary chemicals and heat can be a wonderful experience!
4. Experiment
Take it slow ladies and give yourself time to get used to your natural hair textures. You don’t have to give away your flat iron or hot rollers….in fact, I’m sure you’ll use them a lot more in the future! What you want to do is learn how to say no to using them on daily basis. Experiment with different cuts, hair care methods and no-heat hairstyles until you get to a point in which you have a great, yet natural hairstyle every day and opt for dramatic changes only for special events. I’ve managed to do that and, quite honestly, I’m getting more compliments now than ever.
5. Think Positive
Give yourself a boost and remind yourself how much you love your natural hair by acknowledging the fact that somewhere out there there’s at least one girl who dreams of having the hair Mother Nature has blessed you with! Observe your hair in sunlight and notice how shiny it is! Can you see all those natural highlights and lowlights? Aren’t they amazing? Well, believe me, no hair dye could ever give you that!
6. Relax
Being beautiful and being dolled up like Posh Spice every single moment of the day are two completely different things. And going natural and allowing yourself to go out for coffee without red carpet- ready hair doesn’t mean that you’re careless or a tomboy – it means that you like what you see in the mirror so much, that you don’t have the need to drastically change it.
7. Know Your Hair
Saying “My hair is horrible!” is the easy way out! Do the opposite – get to know your hair! Find out why it poufs, why it frizzes, why it curls or falls limp and flat… and see what can you do about it. Yes, every “why” has a “because” and knowing that will help you solve those issues and have gorgeous hair you’ll be proud of!
Do you love your natural hair and what advice could you give to the girls who are learning how to love their natural hair textures? I admit my hair is not always perfect but I’m happy with it. And my natural texture and color really do suit me best , I’m just sorry I couldn’t realize that sooner!
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