Sometimes, even in the name of fashion, there can be some pretty strange hair trends that seem to pop up these days. At times, I just give up on being in style and go with an old classic if I’m not into a particular look that is popular. High-fashion runway shows can be entertaining to watch, and can be a great place to get ideas about upcoming fashion ideas for the year and get new hairstyles. In the meantime, you’re also sure to see some pretty strange hair trends along the way. These strange hair styles catch attention, look elite, and they are created by some of the top designers in the country. They might be super fashionable, but they’ll take a really brave girl to actually wear them. If you’re one of those courageous ladies, then feel free give these odd, but fashionable hair styles a try!
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1. Shine-Drenched Hair
This hairstyle is one of the most amazing strange hair trends I’ve ever seen, yet it is incredibly simple. Basically, all you need to do is make your hair look wet, sleek and shiny. While I’m definitely not into this type of thing, I guess some people are since it is one of the top fashion hair trends of 2013 for fall. This look is supposed to create an allure as if you stepped right out of a rainfall. Well, I guess if nothing else, you can at least wear this look right out of the shower!
2. The “looks like You Cut It” Bob
This bob is appearing on the runway this year for fall, and is supposed to appear as a messy, disheveled bob with a choppy '40s look to it. Basically, it is supposed to be an uneven, textured look, like you cut it yourself. Call me boring, but I prefer not to look like I hacked all my hair off with blindfolds on, which is what this look basically looks like! This would definitely take one brave soul, but if you’re feeling kinda crazy, feel free to go for it!
3. The Boyish Punk HairDo
I just really don't understand the purpose behind this popular hair style right now, girls! First of all, you’re supposed to get your hair cut at the nape of your neck, much like a guy, and then spike it up in the back. Really, now! Where did the appeal of looking feminine go in today’s fashion world? This look became popular after stylist Marc Jacobs had it appear in his latest runway show for fall fashion this year. Ladies, just because you see this on the runway, don’t run out and get your hair cut in the name of fashion. Yet, if you dig this kinda thing, props to you, because this style definitely takes some serious bravery!
4. The Bleached Factor
Imagine you’re running low on your latest hair color and have nothing but a bottle of bleach in the house. Then, put it all over your hair, and this hair trend is what you’ll get afterwards, along with a batch of stinky hair! This bleached hair style goes way beyond going blonde, almost to the point of white hair. It is supposed to create a look that dates back to early '80s rocker style, while still wearing it in a feminine way, such as a low bun. Um, no thanks, but I’ll keep my regular hair that might need a little color touch-up, but definitely doesn’t need a color job this bad! What about you all?
5. Colored Mohawk
This fashion trend is catching on quick in this year’s 2013 fall hair trends, and I’m still left baffled trying to figure out why. Honestly, I have no idea why anyone would want to try this style, but if you really want to make a high fashion statement, Vogue Magazine is calling this one of the top hair trends to pull off this fall. For those of you willing to go outside your comfort zone in the name of fashion, this hairstyle is definitely for you!
6. Colored Braid
This braid is definitely not the one you wore in grade school, girls! Hair trends this year are using dyed strands of hair, or applying colored pieces to hair at the root with a clip, and then braiding it with your own hair to create a side colored braid. Most runways styles are featuring black, white and silver colors to inspire your braids. This isn’t the scariest hairstyle I’m seeing popular right now, but definitely won’t be in my beauty routine at the same time!
7. Colored Rosebuds
I think this style probably takes the cake on crazy hairstyles that people are actually wearing right now. If you think this is a hairpiece, guess again! This real hair trend, inspired by Givenchy, uses real hair by dying the hair a bright, vibrant hue, and then braiding it into rosebuds and pinning it on top to create a rosebud effect. Whatever happened to classic hot rollers, I ask?
I guess I’m simple at heart, and maybe behind in the world of fashion, but whatever the case, I’m definitely not brave enough to sport these high fashion hair styles! What about you? Would you wear one of these?
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