9 Worst Hairstyles Ever Seen on a Head of a Celebrity ...

Jelena Nov 3, 2013

9 Worst Hairstyles Ever Seen on a Head of a Celebrity ...
9 Worst Hairstyles Ever Seen on a Head of a Celebrity ...

Worst hairstyles seen on us everyday people aren’t much more than a temporary inconvenience and maybe a good piece of gossip material. Celebrities, in the other hand, are a whole different matter! We rely on them to show us the latest hair DO’s but they’ve also shown us plenty of hair DON’Ts. Now, there are plenty of celebs whose photos I’d never print out to take to my stylist, but only a carefully selected few deserve their place on the list of people with worst hairstyles:

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1. Hulk Hogan’s ‘do

Hulk Hogan’s ‘do A word of advice, Big Guy, simply because yours has been one of the worst hairstyles since day one! You see, when life gives you a lemon, you’re supposed to make lemonade, not slap an orange bandana over it and call it orange. And when the majority of your hair decides to pack up and skip town, no amount of side-length can make the problem go away. Chop it off, blame it on testosterone and call it a day. Trust me, you’re way too cool to look up to Angus Filch and Walder Frey.

2. Snooki’s Pouf

Snooki’s Pouf Whoever told Snooki a hairstyle can add a few inches has definitely regretted it…on more than one occasion! The result is a world-famous, over-the-top ‘do you probably want to forget. Well, tough luck because I’m inviting you on a free ride down the memory lane and you’ve got to admit this made you appreciate Snooki’s new looks much more!

3. Helena Bonham Carter’s DIY Looks

Helena Bonham Carter’s DIY Looks Artfully tousled? Guess again! Helena Bonham Carter definitely looks like she does her own hair… and probably sleeps on it for few days before making a red carpet appearance. The true nature of her quarrel with a comb will forever remain a mystery to us but hey, that’s probably for the best.

4. Patricia Field’s over Processed Tresses

Patricia Field’s over Processed Tresses Oh, Patricia, Patricia, Patricia! You are a genius, darling and I love you, but your hair could use a healthy dose of some super-nutritious repair mask. Thumbs up for the color and the “go bold or go home” attitude but those fried tresses are a huge don’t and you of all people should know it!

5. Christina Aguilera’s Hair Experiments

Christina Aguilera’s Hair Experiments Trying to pick a favorite amongst tons of Christina’s questionable hairstyle choices is proving to be more difficult that I could have imagined! Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this girl has had her fair share of both loud hairstyles and over the top makeup? Time to tone it down, Christina. Let us enjoy your magnificent voice without any visual distractions.

6. Britney Spears and Her Bad Extensions

Britney Spears and Her Bad Extensions What’s the point of having millions if you’re going to start counting coppers when it comes to something as important as your hair? And when you are a celebrity with paparazzi following your every move with cameras at ready to zoom in on your every flaw…well, you just can’t hot-glue your extensions in and call it a hairstyle.

7. Amy Winehouse’s Ratty Beehive

Amy Winehouse’s Ratty Beehive No need to call PETA as the offending beehive is either a lifeless piece of hair or the world’s most famous, most photographed rodent. Whatever it is, I hoped it has been auctioned off to somebody willing to give it a bit of a wash from time to time. Don't get me wrong - Amy was a musician we should always remember, but that hairstyle is best forgotten.

8. Nicole Richi’s Multi-toned Streaks

Nicole Richi’s Multi-toned Streaks Speaking about ratty! How horrible was that Nicole’s Simple Life ‘do? I bet she had to sign some kind of a “No Mere Sidekick Should Outshine THE Almighty Paris Hilton” agreement because she really doesn’t strike me as the type of a girl who would go for a color blind unicorn look of her own accord. Well, who knows… I’m just glad that’s out of her system now.

9. Fergie’s Ugly Betty Fringe

Fergie’s Ugly Betty Fringe And I’m talking about the original Spanish version in which Betty has been made so ugly, it took the show producers more than 200 episodes just to make her barely presentable. What has possessed you to do such thing, huh Fergie Ferg? Well, anyways, hope you’re not planning on doing it again.

What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever seen on a celeb and is there a particularly awful 'do you tend to comfort yourself with during those super bad hair days? I think about Britney whenever I need to talk myself out of experimenting with extensions and it actually works every time!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Umm....... Helena's was for her role as Bellatrix.

Especially for Helena it suits them because it's their character! Christina on the other hand....wow that just....no! Haha

Jut because someone has passed away doesn't mean we have to love their hair, or forget their flaws. Deceased people shouldn't be idolized, but remembered for what and who they were.

I'm sure you have heard the phrase " if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." I was expecting more out of AWS. U have no right to criticize celebrities for their hair. Tbh, I don't find some of these hairstyles that bad.

Not cool dissing Amy. She is one of my fav artists if all time and I loved her style including her trademark beehive!!!! Shame on u

Dont judge other people.. Thats obviously who THEY are not YOU.

Ooomg 3 4 7 and 9 aaaaa im speechless

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