Tips for dyeing hair at home I’m going to list today are a must read, girlies, regardless of your DIY experience level. And whether you’re a new piece of fruit in the garden of DIY hair dyeing or so experienced you could be a pro, I’m sure you’ll find at least one awesome hair dyeing tip to add to your must-try list. So check them out and tell me which ones you found the most useful:
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1. Color Doesn’t Lift Color
Our beloved pro stylists have spoken and in case you’ve failed to read their warnings, here’s what you’ll need to know before you try to dye your hair at home. You see, although darkening your previously dyed tresses a shade or two is possible, the same thing doesn’t go the other way which means that, in order to lighten up, streak hair or significantly alter the color of dyed hair, a special color lifter or bleach needs to be applied. This is one of the most important tips for dyeing hair as not knowing that color needs to be lifted prior to applying a different one is what causes at least 80% of DIY horrors.
2. Do Roots First
In case you want to touch up your roots but feel like your length could use a bit of color-refreshing as well definitely use the following hair dyeing tip! Apply the dye at your new growth only, covering your length 10 to 15 minutes before you’re ready to rinse the dye off. You can even mix in some water before applying the dye to your length to reduce hair damage while still supplying what your previously dyed bits need – a bit of extra color and shine. This simple yet quite effective tip for dyeing hair will help you have gorgeous, healthy hair that always looks good yet doesn’t split as much and even save a bit on your products because we all know healthy hair retains added pigments longer.
3. Section First
DIY hair dyeing can be a messy process indeed and the only way to work around that is to find the technique that works best for you. You can choose to start at your nape and work your way forward or opt a central part working left to right or vice versa. Whichever technique you choose, remember to plan your actions accordingly, sectioning and clipping the sections before you apply the dye. Might not be the most radical tip out there but hey, if this is your first time attempt at DIY hair dyeing and all you’ve ever seen are hairstylist’s experienced hands working their magic on your hair, you might think it’s much easier than it actually is.
4. Damaged Hair Needs More Color
Working with extremely damaged hair? Well, this next of my tips for dyeing hair at home will definitely help you keep the situation under control! In case your hair is completely or partially bleached you will have to revisit those areas or even get two boxes of hair dye to make sure every strand is covered and hasn’t gone dry in the meanwhile. Over-bleached, totally white strands act super-weird and will even drink up all the surrounding dye so check your hair halfway through the work and once more when you’re finished to make sure your entire hair is saturated with your hair dye of choice.
5. Quick Fix Anyone?
Here another useful trick to remember in case your DIY dye job leaves you with hair one to two shades darker than you were hoping for! Mix your shampoo and bleach powder in a 1:1 ratio and apply this mixture on your hair, combing it through to make sure it is distributed evenly. Give it 10 to 15 minutes (It might take even longer, though), checking your hair in the mirror, rinsing the paste off once the color has faded to your liking. Simple, huh?
6. Condition
Due to its raised or torn cuticles, dry or damaged hairs can absorb a lot more color than healthy ones which may result in a weird, uneven, patchy shade you certainly won’t be proud of. Luckily, I have more hair dyeing tips to help you nail it like a pro and this one is as easy to do as tips get. All you have to do is remember to do a deep conditioning treatment a few days before you’re planning to dye your hair so even the dry, slightly damaged bits would receive their fair share of moisture and nutrients. This simple trick will help replenish the moisture inside the hair shaft and smooth out cuticles, making even the damaged strands less porous and “hungry”.
7. Know Your Dyes
Last on my list of tips for dyeing hair at home would be to get informed so you would always know what your options are. You can go for semi-permanent, demi-permanent and permanent dye, depending on how long do you want your new color to last yet there’s only so much you can expect from each dye. Semi-permanent ones are the mildest and will wash out completely yet you can’t go for such dye and expect it to lighten your color 5 shades. Expect a small, subtle change, no hair damages and no roots showing. Doesn’t sound too good? Go for a demi-permanent one, instead! A bit harsher than a semi-permanent dye, this baby will help alter your natural hair color to a point where people can really see you’ve done something with your hair although a five shades lighter color still isn’t something to hope for. If you, in the other hand, really want a super-radical change, a permanent dye is the one for you.
Good luck to you ladies and I really hope these tips for dyeing hair will help you perfect your technique and get that gorgeous color you want! Just remember to follow the instructions carefully and never skip an allergy test – okay? Oh, and do share – in case you know of a cool, useful tip for dyeing hair, there are plenty of us ladies dyeing to know about it!
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